Cooperation between ZV – Nástroje s.r.o. and the Vocational School of J. Sousedík, Vsetín
In the 2013-2014 academic year, ZV – Nástroje s.r.o. started to offer financial support for students of the J. Sousedík Vocational School in Vsetin
When students of technical studies meet the established criteria, they can receive a scholarship up to 9.000 CZK / term
Our company allows students of technical studies to apply for summer jobs.
We offer students from vocational technical schools and technical universities the possibility to complete compulsary experience during an academic year in our company. In the case of a suitable topic, students are offered support for their bachelor’s and master’s thesis.
After completing studies, graduates are offered the possibility to work in a stable company with an engineering tradition.
For more information, please contact our HR Manager Mrs. Humlová at +420 571 402 301 or