address: ZV – Nástroje s.r.o.
Jasenice 2094, 755 01 VSETÍN
49°21´00´´N; 18°2´54,5´´E;
ZV – Nástroje s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Court in Ostrava, section C, File No. 33973
Jasenice 2094, 755 01 VSETÍN
49°21´00´´N; 18°2´54,5´´E;
ZV – Nástroje s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Court in Ostrava, section C, File No. 33973
tel.: +420 571 402 301
fax: +420 571 802 300
IČ: 28005678
DIČ: CZ28005678
tel.: +420 571 402 301
fax: +420 571 802 300
IČ: 28005678
DIČ: CZ28005678